Mother’s Day is right around the corner and though times are “different” and finances might be strained; Now more than ever we should remember Mom!
Haute People have taken the guesswork out of finding the Best Gifts for those of us here in Jamaica by curating the “Haute People Mother’s Day Quarantine Gift Guide 2020”. We’ve scoured the Internet and of course, Instagram to bring you the Best Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from some of our favorite Artisans and Small Businesses.
The first thing to think about when considering Mother’s Day Gift options this year is function! This is not the year for macaroni necklaces or photo frames or any old random thing. You want to give Mom something that she will be able to actually use to make her life easier during this time.
- Customized Masks

Masks are all the rage right now and everyone needs one! In some countries, you are not allowed in stores unless you have a mask on. I find that with masks, one size does not fit all especially if Mom is petite like myself! What you can do is get Mom’s “face measurements” beforehand and take them to a Designer or Tailor in your area. Have them make the mask with her favorite colors and our prints and if you want to go the extra mile, add her name or add jewels or crystals.
Brands to Support for Masks in Jamaica
2. Candles

Who doesn’t love Candles? I mean really! Candles make everything so much better! They can be used as decor pieces and if you have a Mom who is all about fresh-smelling spaces, candles will make the perfect gift. I personally have candles as a part of my “Night-time Self- Care” routine.
They truly uplift the mood and sets the tone for the ultimate rest and relaxation.
Jamaican Candle Brands to support
3. Makeup + Skincare

If we were to be completely honest most of us get our love for make-up and skincare from our Mother. My mother loves Oil of Olay products and swears by the moisturizer as one of her all-time favorites. Her signature look is perfectly moisturized skin and a Red or Orange lipstick, that matches her skin tone.
If your Mother is into Makeup and Skincare products, the best gift for her is those items. I recently did a feature on EC Makeup Bar and their Mother’s Day Gift Boxes filled with Makeup and Skincare. Please click the link below to check out that article.
Read the EC Makeup Mother’s Day Article by Clicking below
4. Clothing + Accessories

I know clothing and accessories are not high on anybody’s list, but if you have a Caribbean Mom you know they love to get dressed up on special occasion days. Here you can opt for a really nice house dress made from a high-quality fabric that she can wear around the house daily or you can get her a nice dress to make her feel amazing!
A nice compliment with the dress is an accessory like earrings, a necklace, or even a small bag that she can grab and go when she is out in those #quarantine streets running errands.
Local Jamaican Clothing + Accessories Brands to Support
5. Beautiful Nails (Manicure + Pedicure)

Having well-done nails on a regular basis is a distant memory for some people. Because Salons and places that offer Beauty Services are closed, we have to resort to doing it our selves. If you can find a way for Mom to still have her nails done at home, it will be a major win for you in the Mother’s day gift department.
We highly suggest getting a complete nail care system that comes with all the necessary tools to do the Manicure and Pedicure at home without waiting for shipping from Amazon.
Jamaican Nailcare Brands to Support
We hope that you will spend wisely and purchase the items you know your Mother will truly love and that you enjoyed our Haute People Mother’s Day Quarantine Gift Guide 2020.