Hi Guys!
Yes, “Hi Guys” is a phrase I used back in 2011 when I just started this Blog to address my readers. Since then, things have changed significantly to say the least. I went through University, got a few jobs (or 10), experienced heartbreaks, experienced love, found myself because apparently I was lost but through it all, I’ve lived a lot and learned a lot.
I say all this to say that, things have changed and I am not the same person I was in 2011. I’ve evolved and went from being a full-time blogger to venturing into the world of work because I felt it was necessary and the Blog became too much for me. Interestingly enough, it grew into a monster I did not expect would grow so fast. I was living a Bi-Country/City Lifestyle where I lived, yes lived in Florida for a while and the growth became enormous. I picked up valuable skills and really saw how the first world bloggers were living and how extremely professional they were and applied it to my own Blog which got me nominated for “Best Lifestyle Blogger”, 2 years in a row in Miami. It takes a lot to run a successful Blog and if you decide to go international, you will have to dedicate all your time to it. Writing was my escape and it always felt natural, like second nature and the words would just flow. There was passion, poise, grace and even humour in my writing. Somewhere along the line, that skill fell by the wayside and words started to escape me from a verbal and written standpoint. All my creativity went into the 9-5 which was just to get by rather than something I love. “Why would you leave something you love and is good at to do something to just get by” is the question I was asked ALOT!. There were people (brands) who were disappointed in me and no longer gave their support as I “switched” and was throwing my talent away. The thing is, in some weird way, I needed to step into the real world and face real-life challenges with real life people to develop other skills like conflict resolution and problem solving I could not have garnered while being just a Blogger. Along the way, I fell into the world of Digital Marketing where I worked an an Agency (that I hated) but learned so much! I did a Digital Marketing course which opened eyes to an untapped side of my creativity I did not even know existed.
Taking things Back to Basics with Haute People

I have taken a look at where I want to be in life, and it is doing what I love which is writing and telling the stories of people who are often overlooked and underserved. It’s taking charge at an event and telling those same stories through photos and videos in such an amazing way that people feel included.
I have been secretly working on something major for Haute People since the start of the Pandemic and it will be ready before 2021 ends. This “thing” is something that can be deemed as a work in progress, as that’s what I am, a work in progress. I am constantly learning and growing and I want to share that with you my wonderful readers and I want you to also share your journeys with me. A part of this was going from Blogger to WordPress, changing the domain + website, getting new branding and launching an internship programme which flopped in the pandemic as most of our events were “outside”.
We will be kicking things old school and putting back the purpose and high-quality back into Haute People that you all know and love. Take a walk on this journey with me as we learn and grow together. I will tap into other sides of my creativity and share parts of my personality through, photos, video and even audio. This will be no easy feat as I still have a 9-5, a personal life, challenges and so many things that could go wrong, but I am hopeful because the timing feels right.
If you have an interesting story to tell about how you overcame a major challenge in your life, please send an email to hautepeople@yahoo.com.
#Taking things Back to Basics with Haute People
#Taking things Back to Basics with Haute People
#Taking things Back to Basics with Haute People
#Taking things Back to Basics with Haute People