To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to. – Ecclesiastes 3
The world as we know it as changed and so many of us are struggling! This is one of those posts that will not look at the glitz and glam of life, but the dark parts that we hate talking about like Mental Illness, Financial Struggles and just having a difficult time really getting wins in life.
Trust the Process … and the Season
For the longest time, I have been asking what my purpose is as I think this will help me to make better choices with the decisions I make as it relates to the opportunities I take as it relates to work. This includes the 9-5 structure and my Freelance and Blogging work. If you might not know, I’m a Jamaican who lives in Kingston Jamaica and I have dubbed myself as a “serial job hunter” who decided to take life in my own hands a little late in life. This is considered somewhat Taboo in my country as opportunities are limited and people tend to stick to jobs as long as they can due to the fear of being unemployed and not being about to provide for themselves or their families.
I was that person who remained in jobs I didn’t like that all had organisational and structural issues and worst of all, I never had a voice and never spoke up as I was socialised to “be thankful I had a job”. As simple and silly as it sounds, I did not know I could leave a job that was taking a toll on my mental health that was in a toxic environment to find something I truly love that valued me as a person and employee. Our job and the people we work with owe us nothing, so I’m not one of those Millennials who are constantly complaining and going on and on about issues that are considered the norm to somebody else.

I’ve said all that to say, in everything, there is a season. There will be a season where we will have to experience being in a toxic environment while it might diminish our skills and self-worth, it builds character and helps us to navigate through tough situations that we will face in life. On the other side of this, is the season where things will align and we will find our purpose in life and the things we do will not feel like work, as it feeds our should and creativity.
If you are like me and have many interests and always feel like you are always starting over, just keep pushing. As cliche and hard as that might sound, sometimes all we need is that extra push and one person to believe in us and the rest will all make sense as we go along. The beautiful things is that we are starting from experience so it makes the journey that more manageable
#Trust the Process … and the Season
#Trust the Process … and the Season
#Trust the Process … and the Season
#Trust the Process … and the Season