Staying healthy and fit doesn’t have to be a chore at all. In fact, eating healthy, detoxing your body, getting all those healthy vitamins and minerals can be absolutely delicious! It doesn’t matter if you want to lose some of that stubborn belly fat, or if you’re just aiming at being as healthy as possible, the list of recipes below is just what you need! Just get your blender, chuck ‘em all in there, and enjoy!


Fit Ideas: Ultimate Fall Healthy Smoothies You Should Try


Vitamin coconut bomb

 The first on our list, we have this amazing coconut bomb. This is just the right thing you need if you have any skin issues. Both the protein and the oils found in coconuts will do  wonders for your skin. It will help it look healthy and as soft as silk. Furthermore, it has a solid calcium content, making your bones extra strong, and will boost your immune system as well. So, here’s what you need:

  •         4 big carrots
  •         3 tablespoons of coconut milk
  •         4 tablespoons of shredded coconut
  •         2 big slices of pineapple

This is a great combo of vitamins, minerals, and deliciousness. Of course, you can mix up the amount of stuff you put a bit. Know that this amount of coconut will make it extra thick, but you can always add less (or even more).


Delicious banana pre-workout energy boost

Banana Energy Smoothie

 If you’re into fitness, you need lots of fuel and energy. That’s where this bad boy comes in. A cup of this delicious combination will give you all the energy you need for a workout. The best of all, it’s perfect for anybody who has a sweet tooth, while still being chock full of healthy goodness. This is what we recommend: 

  • 1 frozen banana
  •           ½ cup of canned pumpkin 
  •           1 teaspoon of cinnamon 
  •           2 tablespoons of protein powder 
  •           1 cup of almond milk 
  •           1 tablespoon of grated ginger 

 And if you’re trying to avoid animal products, but still need that extra protein, mixing some extra  vegan protein powder with this smoothie is just the thing you need. Also, add an extra banana if you want it to be really creamy. 


Quick and easy detox

Everybody needs a good detox once in a while. Especially if you lead something of a wild lifestyle (don’t worry, we won’t judge). And boy, do we have just the right thing for you! Our fall detox smoothie will quickly clean out your system. With a ton of vitamin C, this nice and refreshing drink will do you wonders. And it’s especially good for people who like their drinks sour. So, go to the store and buy:

Green Apple Smoothie

  •         3 peeled and chopped carrots
  •         1 diced and cored apple (keep the skin)
  •         Half a cup of orange juice
  •         2 teaspoons of grated ginger
  •         Cup of water 

Now, this may be a bit sour for some people, so we suggest you maybe add a bit more apple. Also, get apples that are really sweet, and even a bit ripe. On the other hand, you can also go in the other direction and get a nice, green, sour one.


A healthy pumpkin dessert

Pumpkin Spice

Are you craving something nice and sweet, but you are on a diet? Well, no worries, you can binge all you want with this delicious smoothie. No need to get a thousand calories just to have a dessert, this will calm down anybody’s sweet tooth. And best of all, it uses a ton of  pumpkins , which is just what you need to keep your immune system strong for the coming fall and winter months. To make this deliciousness a reality, you need the following:


  •         Half a cup of pure pumpkin puree
  •         Half a banana
  •         A tablespoon of honey
  •         Half a cup of almond milk
  •         Half a teaspoon of vanilla
  •         A teaspoon of pumpkin spice


And if you want it to be even sweeter, you can add more vanilla or honey. Some people even get vanilla almond milk, instead of regular one. Just go crazy and experiment.



And there you have it folks – a quick and easy treat that keeps you healthy. You don’t have to force yourself to eat the same old bland stuff just to stay fit. In fact, these couple of recipes are something you can look forward to, and enjoy without a tinge of guilt, every day, any day. 

#Fit Ideas: Ultimate Fall Healthy Smoothies You Should Try

#Fit Ideas: Ultimate Fall Healthy Smoothies You Should Try

#Fit Ideas: Ultimate Fall Healthy Smoothies You Should Try

#Fit Ideas: Ultimate Fall Healthy Smoothies You Should Try

#Fit Ideas: Ultimate Fall Healthy Smoothies You Should Try