They say size doesn’t matter but when it comes to closet size, the results show “That is a Lie”. The size of the closet is much like my small room where I had more stuff than I had room.

I would go painfully through the rack which now had a deep noticeable bend in the center and there were clothes on clothes and it was all a mess. There was nothing that made putting outfits together fun and most of the time I couldn’t see anything so I wore the same outfits all the time. Fast-forward to last week when I decided something had to give and opted for a small though necessary makeover.

All I did was have an extra rack built-in which gave more space and I added “new flooring” in the form of linoleum. The overall size of the closet is 25 x 42 so I had to get creative with how I was about to use the very limited space. The first thing I did was remove all the clothing, shoes, and belts and started from there.

I opted to organize by color then type – long sleeve to short sleeve and long dresses to short dresses and ended up with something that was aesthetically pleasing. While I was doing this I created a pile and named it “Toss” and “Donate” where I threw away clothing that was damaged (bleached, stained or stretched, etc) and in the Donate pile I placed clothing that I had not worn in 3 months that still had tags on. If you are planning on donating clothing, ensure it is something that you would actually like to receive. Always give the best of what you have vs things you hate.

As it relates to organizing by color, I used the chart below I found on Pinterest. If you are like me and like a more organized closet, then you will love this method and find it extremely important.

Organization Chart

I have named this “Phase 1” of My Small Closet Makeover as I will be changing hangers then move on to creating a space for my shoes,, belts and accessories.

I hope you enjoyed this article and will have some ideas on how to makeover your very own small closet.

#small closet makeover

#small closet makeover

#small closet makeover

#small closet makeover